Monday, March 9, 2009


The flu loves me. I've been coughing and sniffling and dizzy and overall tired and weak for the past two weeks, and I'm ready for it to be over. The trees are turning green and the weather's not frigid anymore and I want to do something outside! But instead I stay tucked indoors with a box of tissue and a package of vitamin C drops. This makes the third consecutive month I've had the flu, since it carried over from February, and the third time is not the charm.

I developed a new writing regime for myself, and am quite happy to report that I am now writing six pages a day (more if you count the writing exercises and blogging I am now doing). The only problem is, in my quest for six pages, I end up following bunny trails that lead to weird story developments that don't fit in my plot, so it's a one-step-forward, two-steps-back kind of thing. But at least I have something to edit, which is better than a blank page. It feels good to churn out some words. It would feel better if I was actually excited about them. I guess this means I need to start plotting earlier and doing some research…

Speaking of research, and writing, and not procrastinating, and making a ridiculously long sentence like this one, I downloaded an application called Freedom. It's Mac-only, and I haven't used it yet, but it temporarily disconnects your computer from the internet and thus forces you to work on whatever you're supposed to be working on instead of watching YouTube clips or surfing Facebook. Then you have to restart your computer to get your connection back. Great idea, isn't it? Now if I would actually try it…

Overdue del.ici.ous post
Matmâta, the village in Tunisia otherwise known as Tatooine. (Star Wars geeks unite.)

Random quote on my Dashboard
There is nothing that cannot be achieved by firm imagination.
— Japanese Proverb

1 comment:

  1. What, even in middle of nowhere florida the internet is a problem!! Can't you just shut off the crackberry and go to tools, work offline???
