Sunday, March 29, 2009

Read, read, read

Behold my collection of library books. I’ve finished four of them, and have read four of them before, but because I didn’t get all the way through I checked them out again. That leaves me with fourteen to complete (I think? I’m not good at math).

Currently I am in the thick of the book second from the top, Transcending CSS by Andy Clarke, which has so much good stuff that I can never finish it in one borrowing period. It’s fantastic. (If you’re into web design, that is. If not then it would probably be useless.)

So yeah, they say you can tell a lot about a person from what they read, or something like that.


  1. Hey Rye,

    Do you like that greeting? It sounds like I've known you for at least a month.

    Just thought I'd drop by and say thanks for dropping by. I read a few entries here, and I you really do have a great "voice". (I do know what that means, I am an English major). Keep up the good work and thanks again!

  2. I do like it — definitely sounds like you've known me for at least a month.

    Thanks for the comments! Hope you'll keep updating your blog, I enjoyed what I read there.
